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Get instance information

GET <your-unleash-url>/api/admin/insights


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API

Gets high level information about the usage of this Unleash instance, including user, project, and flag information.


Query Parameters

  • from string

    The beginning of the date range in yyyy-MM-dd format

  • to string

    The end of the date range in yyyy-MM-dd format



  • userTrends object[]required

    How number of users changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of actual Unleash users on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active Unleash users on a particular day

  • inactive number required

    The number of inactive Unleash users on a particular day

  • ]
  • flagTrends object[]required

    How number of flags changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of all flags on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active flags on a particular day

  • stale number required

    The number of user marked stale flags on a particular day

  • potentiallyStale number required

    The number of time calculated potentially stale flags on a particular day

  • ]
  • projectFlagTrends object[]required

    How number of flags per project changed over time

  • Array [
  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the stats were calculated

  • project string required

    Project id of the project the flag trends belong to

  • health number required

    An indicator of the project's health on a scale from 0 to 100

  • timeToProduction number

    The average time from when a feature was created to when it was enabled in the "production" environment during the current window

  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • total number required

    The number of all flags on a particular day

  • active number required

    The number of active flags on a particular day

  • stale number required

    The number of user marked stale flags on a particular day

  • potentiallyStale number required

    The number of time calculated potentially stale flags on a particular day

  • users number

    The number of users who have access to the project

  • ]
  • metricsSummaryTrends object[]required

    How metrics data per project changed over time

  • Array [
  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the metrics summary was calculated

  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when metrics summary was captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • project string required

    Project id of the project the impressions summary belong to

  • totalRequests number required

    Total number of times all project flags were requested

  • totalYes number required

    Total number of times all project flags were exposed across all environments

  • totalNo number required

    Total number of times all project flags were not exposed across all environments

  • totalApps number required

    Total number of applications the impression data belong to

  • totalFlags number required

    Total number of flags the impression data belong to

  • totalEnvironments number required

    Total number of environments the impression data belong to

  • ]
  • environmentTypeTrends object[]required

    How updates per environment type changed over time

  • Array [
  • date date-time required

    A UTC date when the stats were captured. Time is the very end of a given day.

  • week string required

    Year and week in a given year for which the stats were calculated

  • environmentType string required

    Environment type the data belongs too

  • totalUpdates number required

    Total number of times configuration has been updated in the environment type

  • ]


name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API


Base URL
Security Scheme
from — query
to — query
curl / cURL
curl -L -X GET '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/insights' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>'